Comments on: 4 Best PCIe Wireless Adapters for 2021 Sun, 17 Jan 2021 17:04:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: JohnIL Sun, 16 Aug 2020 18:38:13 +0000 I bought a TP Link T4E wifi PCIe card. It lasted less than a year before dropping connections frequently. Don’t let the heat sink fool you, because it contacts none of the primary chips on the board. It’s there mostly for looks to make it look beefier. It certainly did not help the reliability. Are heat sinks really needed? Wifi cards in notebooks don’t require them. USB wifi dongles don’t use heat sinks either. I went back to using a LAN connection. You can always buy a power line LAN adaptor too which eliminates running CAT5 and max speed is 400mbps.
